Digital Sample Accuracy

What do you need for an accurate digital apparel sample?

1.      Avatar
2.      Fabric
3.      Pattern

AVATAR: A fit-worth avatar accurately reflects the human body & the brand’s base body. The avatar must match the dress form that the brand and their suppliers use. Any deviation is just asking for trouble. The problem is, is that many digital avatars that some with the software do not adhere to typical body stance, stature & proportions. Take a look at an OOB avatar: note how the back-end sticks out, how long the waist is, and the neck/shoulder area does not match most dress forms.
(want a solution to this problem? Check out Design Cycle Solutions & Apotheosis)

FABRIC: Obviously, a digital version of the fabric is crucial to a trust-worthy digital sample. There are pros & cons to physical testing & data-based digital materials but at this point, you need to shoot for a 90% match. You will be able to visualize the product in a specific material enough to see how it will generally react. Get all of the design changes out of the way in digital and then move on to the physical sample to finalize functional fit.

PATTERN: The pattern should reflect the brand’s foundational measurements, AKA, a sloper. If you don’t have a vetted 2D pattern file (usually .dxf), you will not be able to create a 3D asset that is indicative of a wearable garment. And that 2D pattern needs to be based on your brand’s sloper


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