What does a good Tech Package look like?

Building on a past post about the tech package being the center, or hub, of the Apparel/Accessory Product Development process, I want to break it down even further into the spokes, and what information is crucial to each one.

One of my mantras is “Touch It Once”. In regard to a tech package, it means include all of the information someone needs to create a sample whether it be digital or physical, in one place. Like a good website, you don’t want the customer to have to go “off campus” to search for more information in a Fabric Details Sheet or figure out a seam construction on their own. 9 times out of 10, they won’t dig further and do whatever is easiest & quickest…not always the outcome you would have wanted.

Here's the list:

1. Materials: in both digital & physical sample making, facts such as weight, construction, and color are key if the actual fabric is unavailable

2. Trim: include every.single.item on would need to create the product, no matter how small

3. Construction Details: a picture is worth 1000 words…

4. Specs: aka Measurements or Specifications. Get to know your pattern maker 😊

5. Graphics: also included in this spoke are embellishments such as embroidered logos, puff prints, sublimated prints, etc

6. Labeling & Packaging: the unsung heroes! So much goes into these two categories that most people take for granted, but they can’t get into stores without this information

7. Testing: great to have in the tech package for easy access to results

8. Change Log: totally underrated, especially when you know there was a change but have NO idea where it is

9. Concept: nice to have, to see where the product’s inspiration came from. It can sometimes help a manufacturer at the beginning of sampling to make decisions in pattern making, construction, stitching, etc.

Oh, and on every page should be a repeating header that included style name, #, season, delivery date, sample status, material name, manufacturer name & country, and a small thumbnail of the flat sketch.


Excel is not a drawing tool!


Digital or Analog notes?