Anti-Silo #2
Taking my last post a step further to add in a different kind of office set up:
Instead of department teams sitting together, organize your office layout in PRODUCT TEAMS.
You all have the same goal: to birth & nurture a successful product from concept to commercialization.
Aesthetics, functionality, priced correctly, quality manufacturing, and customer satisfaction all need to be clicking in sync, and if the team members responsible are separated by hallways, floors, buildings, cities or even states, you will be paying more in meeting cost than you care to think about.
(Below is a quick diagram of only the Product Creation Team, showing a basic, skeleton crew):
- GE = Garment Engineering
- PD = Product Development
- SC = Sourcing
- RM = Raw Materials
- Design = Design
Sitting in the same room as my production manager was the best collaborative atmosphere I’ve ever worked in.
Conversations on the fly, submits looked at together, and job empathy make for a tight team...and a tight product.