Digital vs Analog…again

Do you really want to replicate EVERYTHING you do in physical when moving to DPC?

Let’s take a look at the design & product development process and decide together:

- 👎Concepting: I think designers still want an inspiration wall with physical items to touch & feel
- 👎Sketching: this could go either way, but I think most designers will want to hand-sketch initial ideas
- 👍Color/Print Development: partnering with the artist & PD, a lot of time can be saved if the color/print/graphic is digitized at the very beginning. This can pre-determine yield and leap-frog the cycle of “can I see that 15% bigger/lighter?”
- 👍Merchandising Meeting: many companies bring Merchandising in at this stage to ensure the designs are in line with the seasonal Line Plan. Allowing the merchants to see the line as a whole, mixing & matching tops with bottoms would bring everyone to the same page. BUT (there’s always a but…), this would mean a shift in the process, bringing in 3D or some form of technology earlier in the calendar. Looking at you,

(hand-off to…)
- 👍Style Development: 3D is an obvious advantage here, as you can finalize a design in digital 27 times to get that sleeve length perfect before asking for a physical proto.
-👎Fabric & Trim Development: still a hands-on task that requires the tactile aspect of the product.
- 👍Initial Fit: if you have a digital avatar that is an exact replica of your dress form, this is able to be done in 3D (Apotheosis is the one company that can supply these avatars).
-👎Functional Fit: this ultimately needs to be confirmed in production fabric on a dress form AND a fit model.

What am I missing? Are there specific tasks that you think can be moved into digital, or tasks that should be put to pasture all together with the implementation of DPC?


Who’s in charge here?


Anti-Silo #2