Questionable Proposal

Question for my freelancer/consultant network: have you ever heard of this type of payment structure?

nominal fee + percentage of product sales.

I've never encountered this either, but wasn't sure if it is a thing or not.

For the freelancer, the cons are big & heavy, and there are very little pros, IMO.

- so many variables out of your control that would cause the product not to sell
- having to wait the entire product cycle to get paid
- not valuing the work that goes into creating & developing the product

- can add a certain stakeholder mentality (but read my previous post & you will see how I feel about this one)
- nope, couldn't think of anything else and don't really think the first one is a pro for the freelancer. I was just being nice.

Although the client & the project was right up my alley & I was excited with the work, I chose to turn down this offer. But I would love to hear feedback from you all!


Life as a Freelancer


Yes, Iā€™m a nerd