Vocabulary Quiz

Who is ready for a Fashion Vocabulary quiz?

Give me your definition of these words:
-       Trim
-       Hardware
-       Style
-       Material
-       Sloper
-       Block
-       Sample
-       And is it a merrow stitch or marrow??? 😉

These are just a few terms used in Apparel design and product development that are vague and mean different things to different people, countries, and companies.

There is no OED for Fashion.

There is no standardization of terms.

Try going to Mid Journey to get an image of an apparel flat pattern, or a technical sketch, or any specific fashion image.

It’s not out there so MJ won’t find it.

While I don’t see this happening on a large scale (people don’t want to give up the words they use to describe things), the industry needs to come together on some basic vocabulary.

I wonder how confusing it is for manufacturers to process requests from a variety of companies, all using different terms in their tech packages. Yikes!

And don’t get me started with Merchandising & Sourcing Terms. Oy.

(Personally, I think we should bring back the term “notions”…)


Yes, I’m a nerd
